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Experience: Cleanse Body, Mind & Soul |
12 Day Detox |
The 12 Day Detox is here. Sign up now. Space is limited.This detox comes at just the perfect time. Reprogram your body and mind, this is your time of rejuvenation and renewal. This is not a juice fast, or a detox based on deprivation. On this 12 day journey you will…
- EAT, yes eat. Lots of good clean food.
- You will have daily activities, emails and support.
- Journal
- Practice self care
- Have access to a private Facebook group with your other fellow 12DDTX members. (You will benefit greatly from their support.)
There will be grocery lists, recipe ideas, meal planners for you to experiment with, and more.
12 Days to restart your life, kickstart a weight loss plan, and kick your junk food cravings to the curb.
This is an amazing experience.